Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Birthday; and a gift of song

It's Dongha's birthday today. I'm not even gonna mention how old he is this time. The poor misguided guy thinks he's been 39 since January 1st anyway, so I'm not going to argue about it.
Today is his day to celebrate, and he decided to give his fans a gift. He recorded an old song from the movie "Classic" (reviews said it was a very good movie), and released it today, saying it's for the fans. Aww, how cheesy of him.
I mean, sweet.
The song is very mellow, sentimental ballad, with soothing melody that flows very nicely. He recorded it with his higher range voice, and he sounds as if he is trying gently to comfort somebody. Do I like it? Oh, yes. It comforts my heart. I like that he sings in such soft, subdued way, instead of over-dramatizing it. He could have gone either way, and he made a good choice. This is his first recording released under the new management.

And here is  the lovely man on his birthday, heading to KBS2  studio to record a TV appearance. Thanks to Summer Yu for permission to use her pictures.💜