Thursday, April 26, 2018

Just 4 days ago.

When I hear Dongha singing with this kind of manly voice, and when I see him being so relaxed and happy on stage, interacting with audience - I want to be his fan forever, and ever. Apologies to AleSong, for stealing her video from YouTube. I just couldn't resist.

Friday, April 20, 2018

New Jung Dong Ha?

I am a little nervous. I am worried that under the new agency Jung Dong Ha may be gradually changing his image into less youthful, less crazy, less playful, less surprising , but more subdued, more tame, and therefore more bland singer. More predictable as an artist, less inclined to take any risks, or to put any unusual ideas into his live performances. Not as fearless, not trying new things?

Maybe it is way premature for me to worry about it. It's been only about a month since the new agency took him under their wing.  However I'm beginning to think they are trying to create more "mature" image of him. It starts with the choice of first song that they promote; the remake of  the old movie song, "If You Love". It is very sentimental, mellow, sad. Not that I dislike the song - I actually totally accept it, and appreciate the gentle style of it. I'm enjoying it every day. It warms up my heart.

But I can't help but feel some sort of anxiety, because I'm unsure about Jung Dong Ha.
Has he decided that now that he is a daddy, he should change into a more dignified guy? But why?! Regardless of his family situation, he is still young, and looks much younger than his real age! What is that talk about soon reaching the age of 40, when in reality it will be in 2 years?
Is his agency pushing these ideas into his head? Are they trying to re-make his image into some sort of Korean Michael Buble?
In recent few days the promotional events for the new song are very intense. Dongha has been singing it at a various of programs, both live, as well as doing recordings in some TV studios, for later broadcast,  trying to reach as wide an audience as possible.  He continues to put overly tragic expression on his face, presumably because the song is sad.  I noticed that his styling is not that great - the stuff he wears seems to be kind of old fashioned, more suitable for a fuddy-duddy. Also, he wears more heavy make-up, than he used to. Even in his promotional pictures his face looks unnaturally brushed.
He really doesn't need that "I am becoming old person" stuff. It's too early to be doing that at his age.
The weekend is coming, and there will be a couple more live appearances, and the broadcast of the recorded 'Yoo Hee-yul's Sketchbook' TV show. I hear that the host is saying that Dongha's fans are housewives. This annoyed me to the maximum. That person already said the same thing 4 years ago! Why say a thing like this, it's not very original! Couldn't he think of something more intelligent to say?
It is not relevant to artist's accomplishments, what kind of people are his fans. At least it shouldn't be relevant. Artist should express his creativity, and accept the people who love him, and want to support him. The kind of fans Dongha has, should not reflect upon his style. He should be himself, that's it.
I fear, that his agency may be trying to put into his head something like: "your fans are all those housewives, ("adjuhmas"); and you know what stuff  housewives like - cheesy and sentimental, weepy stuff. They have very unsophisticated tastes. So you should deliver what the old ladies want".

OMG, I am torturing myself too much!  I should not overthink, and just wait and see.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Poe revisited

The musical "Edgar Allan Poe" has ended  February 4th, but the show was televised , and broadcast in 2 parts, on April 14th and 15th, on MBC channel. And guess who was featured in the televised version? None other than "uree Dongha-nim". 💜 Yesss. And even the broadcast was in the middle of the night, at 1:30 am, he was noticed, and got good reviews. Before the broadcast, Dongha was interviewed quite extensively, giving his comments about it.

Several video clips showed up on You Tube, and it became obvious to me, that his role in musical "Poe" is a great achievement, and that he grew better, much better,  in his acting ability .
Below is the video of a duet with "Elmira". His voice is exquisite in this song,  smooth like velvet, absolutely perfectly expressing the affection Poe has for Elmira.

And a completely different scene: Poe delirious under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

 I am always struck with awe, when Dongha is at his best. I just can't compare him to anyone. I am amazed how his acting has vastly improved since Turandot or even Notre Dame De Paris. He can now truly be called "musical actor" as well as pop singer. Which path will he choose in the near future? I hope he can go both paths in parallel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Birthday; and a gift of song

It's Dongha's birthday today. I'm not even gonna mention how old he is this time. The poor misguided guy thinks he's been 39 since January 1st anyway, so I'm not going to argue about it.
Today is his day to celebrate, and he decided to give his fans a gift. He recorded an old song from the movie "Classic" (reviews said it was a very good movie), and released it today, saying it's for the fans. Aww, how cheesy of him.
I mean, sweet.
The song is very mellow, sentimental ballad, with soothing melody that flows very nicely. He recorded it with his higher range voice, and he sounds as if he is trying gently to comfort somebody. Do I like it? Oh, yes. It comforts my heart. I like that he sings in such soft, subdued way, instead of over-dramatizing it. He could have gone either way, and he made a good choice. This is his first recording released under the new management.

And here is  the lovely man on his birthday, heading to KBS2  studio to record a TV appearance. Thanks to Summer Yu for permission to use her pictures.💜

Monday, April 2, 2018

Notre Dame De Paris 2018!

As predicted by some fans, Dongha will again play the role of Grignoire, in the musical  Notre Dame de Paris this year! These are special shows, because year 2018 is the 20th anniversary of the musical, and the 10th anniversary of the Korean production.

And a couple of promotion pictures showed up.  Mysterious. Will they really change the way Grignoire looks? Different costume, different hair? Or maybe it's just for the pictures.

                         Below is the initial schedule of Jung Dong Ha, for the month of June 2018.