Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jung Dong Ha will come to Annandale, Virginia.

Well, maybe. 😈

It's the Korus Korean Festival, in September 28-29.  Last year his attendance was also announced, but since the organized did not actually contact Dongha's management ahead of time, he did not come.This time he is scheduled to appear for 28th September on the official calendar of his agency Music One. And a brief note appeared locally in Annandale, which gives info about the festival:

I am asking myself if I will go or not.  Should I, or shouldn't I? It's such a different feeling than when I found out 5 years ago that Dong Ha would be coming to Alexandria. At that time I felt such strong urgency, and I was ready to overcome any difficulties. I had absolutely no doubt I would be going to his concert. I just had to, and I knew that if I didn't go I would be very regretful.

Right now, I am weighing the joy of seeing Dong Ha performing live, against the inconvenience of driving 5 hours, then standing in the middle of sweaty crowd of people, on some open parking lot,  and barely seeing anything.
And I have no idea what is the format of a performance at a festival. Is it like a real performance, where people stop by especially for the artist, and listen to him, or will people just randomly come and go, talking loudly, while the artist tries to entertain them. How  long is usually such a performance? Is it 3 songs or 5 songs, or more? I'm not a big fans of festivals of any kind, because they are usually very chaotic. Maybe I should just settle for  some video, which I'm sure some dedicated fans will record and post online. I hear famous AleSong will probably come from Korea. We can always count on good video from her...
Another thing is, that I do not have anyone to accompany me. I'm sure Ewa will not want to come, Miki is in Canada, and Ania - my daughter just had a baby. My only hope is Sehyang, who once promised me she would definitely go with me to a Jung Dong Ha concert. I will have to contact her and ask.
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Meanwhile, while I've been struggling with a decision, an official Facebook Page for the Festival appeared, and a poster, confirming DongHa's performance.

I noticed that the second artist is already changed compared the original note.
However, Jung Dong Ha's new CD is scheduled for the 3rd week of September, so it's overlapping with his performance at the Korus Festival.
What to do, what to do? I guess, at this point I will wait and see.