Thursday, December 13, 2018

When December goes...

Pictures from yesterday's concert.

While I'm watching December go, I am already looking forward to the year 2019, in hope of new  adventures with JDH.  I'm waiting for some change, but I don't know what it could be. I'm feeling a bit melancholy, my interest in this singer has reached a flat state. Truthfully, I have been in a (small) fan crisis lasting almost entire year, ever since  late 2017. If someone asked me why, I would be embarrassed to explain, because the reason is so petty, even minuscule. It is about his on stage presence, how he made a small change in  gesturing with his hands...Some  time around December 2017, I noticed that DH started pointing with his finger up, when singing. Well, I didn't like it because it looked like he was preaching. I tried to convince myself it didn't really matter, but it kept bothering me, to the point that I stopped watching his singing videos. In the past, I used to love the gestures he made with the palm of his hand open.  It was very expressive. But with the index finger pointing upwards - it was like he was saying - "look at me, it's very important". Preacher. 😏
Eh, I feel so silly. However, as he kept doing it month after month,  I gradually distanced myself, and stopped following his endeavors. Instead, I listened to audios more.

These days, when December goes, I hardly even know what he is doing. Nothing special is happening, except that Dong Ha is moderately busy, promoting his new  album CROSSROAD, which was released in September. It's his first full length  CD. I haven't listened carefully to the whole set of songs yet. I know that there were a couple of them that I liked. Since October, Dong Ha is giving concerts here and there. In addition to full size concerts every few weeks, he participates in some events with other performers, singing just the lead song "I Want To Go Back", plus some covers. He visit radio studios as well, where he sings live. From online pictures, he appears to be very well rested and happy.

Ah, he gave two concerts in the USA, Los Angeles area, in the Pachenga Resort! That was a joint concert with another Korean singer "Ben"(who is a female). That was in October. His appearance in Washington DC  Korean festival had been canceled, not of his fault, but because of incompetence of the organizers.

Next week will be his another appearance on TV Show "Immortal Song2", and he even may become "King of Kings" if he wins that episode. That would be a great way of finishing this year.

And when December goes (it's an allusion to "When October Goes", that DH sang beautifully), I see myself being more into JDH's new rivals (in my heart) : one is Roy Kim, the second K.Will.
Roy Kim has a distinct, unique voice, and sings beautiful sorrowful ballads he himself writes. He is a little weird/eccentric in his FB posts, but maybe it's because he is very young, just in his early 20-ties,
so his is still searching for himself.
K. Will has an average voice, but his singing style is very cool and versatile, and he is lucky to already have his own hits, which are really really good. Most of all, his personality is very adorable, sweet and funny.

In 2019, I may be a better JDH fan, and maybe I will follow him, and support with more enthusiasm. He gradually stopped using the one finger gesture, as I noticed lately. Yay. The whole hand is back.
My lukewarm fan phase may be ending. My melancholy must have been caused the big change in my life -  I retired last September -  resulting in slight depression, and inability to enjoy any hobbies.
Jung Dong Ha is doing well, although his album did not give birth to any big hit.  His fans continue to give him lots of love, so he doesn't need mine now.