Thursday, August 2, 2018

TBT Whale Hunt IS2 -2014

Posting this video again, because it's such a brilliant new interpretation and  performance of an old song, on the IS2 singing contest, July 5, 2014. The song is not really about hunting whales at all.
I researched it a little, and wrote about it previously:
From the audience reaction, and seeing how people are enjoying it and mouthing the lyrics, it's obvious that this song is very well known. Well, so are almost all  other songs performed on this TV program. Koreans cherish their songs.

 -- "Whale Hunt" -- ( 고래 사냥, Chung Dong-Ha & DickPunks )
No matter how I drink, sing and dance
My heart's still full of only sadness
I search for a cause to give myself to
   But everything has its back turned on me
Now let's all set out for the East Sea
 Riding on a third class slow train

The world in the dream I had last night
It's forgotten as I wake up in the morning
Yet I got a dream that stays in my mind
The one about a beautiful little whale

Now let's all set out for the East Sea
To catch that whale breathing a myth

 Even if our love crumbles to pieces  
Even if we lose everything overnight  
We still have it vividly in our mind  
We have this beautiful whale