Thursday, November 7, 2019

Package from Hong Kong!

I got this newest Dong Ha's CD (mini album) today, delivered to my door. It came all the way from Hong Kong, a generous gift from Matilda. I'm really happy, even if I don't know if I will like the new songs. Unpacking the padded envelope, I was actually thinking about the demonstrations on the streets of Hong Kong, and how Matilda as well as Summer, were affected by the events. I'm grateful, that despite the unrest, and difficult situation, wonderful fellow fan took the time to mail the CD to me. Hey, there is even  Jung Dong Ha's autograph on it. That's precious. Matilda got the autographed CD when she attended one of the "Colour" concerts recently in Korea.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Coming soon - "We Will Rock You" musical

It's been just announced that Jung Dong-ha will be starring in the musical "We Will Rock You".
A couple of promo pictures are posted online.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Dong Ha wins 15th trophy on Immortal Song 2

On Saturday September 21, IS2 was broadcast, and Boom! Dongha was a winner this time. I'm happy!
He performed the kind of song that was totally unexpected for me.
I wasn't eager to listen to him, because recently his songs have been a bit gloomy, or over-dramatic, so I restrained myself from going to Youtube. But I was told that I would definitely like it, and that it wasn't too gloomy. Turns out, Dong Ha surprised me again! I didn't expect him to be so old fashioned. Even his stage suit is old fashioned to fit the whole styling.
The style he emulates is very retro pop singing, perhaps from the times before The Beatles. I am told the song is from the 1960-ties. The arrangement, and singing style brings nostalgic mood. The whole instrumentation, and the back up singers humming sound so good. Dong Ha singing has a nice, steady flow to it, without exaggerated vocal ups and downs. Only at the end he shows off his vocal abilities, but in an amount that is just right. He is really immersed in that retro mode. Supposedly he arranged the song himself; great job! I have an impression, that this song is not easy at all, because of the even, and relatively fast tempo. The finish is low key, and sweet!

I may be wrong, but he seemed a little nervous on stage, not completely relaxed. However, he won his 15th trophy. After he had won 14 trophies, he kept saying he would like to have 15 of them, so the he could arrange them in a pyramid shape. So here it is, Jung Dong Ha's pyramid of Immortal Song2 awards:

                                              " It is said that I finally finished the 'trophy pyramid' that I dreamed of".
                                               That's what his agency, Music 1, wrote jokingly on their Facebook page
                                                  Congratulations, Jung Dong Ha. Your win was well deserved.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Just new picture

I think this is from the inside of the new EP, called "Sketch", released today. I did not listen to any of the songs, and I'm reluctant to do it. The way the songs were described, I think Dong ha again puts too much thinking into everything. He wants his new song to be meaningful, and emotional, and philosophical. He hasn't have much luck with the song writers. When he covers "immortal songs" he is so absolutely perfect. But  his original songs usually lack some lightness or joyfulness. In fact , I usually like the ones he wrote himself, but not those written by others.
Oh well, I should give this new EP a chance and go listen to it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Chuseok wish from Jung Dong Ha

                                                                  From Music1 agency Facebook page.
                                                                 "May you always be healthy and happy" 😀

Thursday, September 5, 2019

TBT - 2015 in live concert

Very often, while he sings, he seems to be crossing to another dimension, and he is consumed by the song. You might say - possessed. Then, the song is done, and he seems to be surprised by his sudden return to reality.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jung Dong Ha will come to Annandale, Virginia.

Well, maybe. 😈

It's the Korus Korean Festival, in September 28-29.  Last year his attendance was also announced, but since the organized did not actually contact Dongha's management ahead of time, he did not come.This time he is scheduled to appear for 28th September on the official calendar of his agency Music One. And a brief note appeared locally in Annandale, which gives info about the festival:

I am asking myself if I will go or not.  Should I, or shouldn't I? It's such a different feeling than when I found out 5 years ago that Dong Ha would be coming to Alexandria. At that time I felt such strong urgency, and I was ready to overcome any difficulties. I had absolutely no doubt I would be going to his concert. I just had to, and I knew that if I didn't go I would be very regretful.

Right now, I am weighing the joy of seeing Dong Ha performing live, against the inconvenience of driving 5 hours, then standing in the middle of sweaty crowd of people, on some open parking lot,  and barely seeing anything.
And I have no idea what is the format of a performance at a festival. Is it like a real performance, where people stop by especially for the artist, and listen to him, or will people just randomly come and go, talking loudly, while the artist tries to entertain them. How  long is usually such a performance? Is it 3 songs or 5 songs, or more? I'm not a big fans of festivals of any kind, because they are usually very chaotic. Maybe I should just settle for  some video, which I'm sure some dedicated fans will record and post online. I hear famous AleSong will probably come from Korea. We can always count on good video from her...
Another thing is, that I do not have anyone to accompany me. I'm sure Ewa will not want to come, Miki is in Canada, and Ania - my daughter just had a baby. My only hope is Sehyang, who once promised me she would definitely go with me to a Jung Dong Ha concert. I will have to contact her and ask.
                                                                            *    *    *

Meanwhile, while I've been struggling with a decision, an official Facebook Page for the Festival appeared, and a poster, confirming DongHa's performance.

I noticed that the second artist is already changed compared the original note.
However, Jung Dong Ha's new CD is scheduled for the 3rd week of September, so it's overlapping with his performance at the Korus Festival.
What to do, what to do? I guess, at this point I will wait and see.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Throw back Thursday 2016

At concert, 24 December 2016,  Bucheon City Hall.  💔


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Throw back Thursday, from 2015

My, oh my, he sang and looked so fine.


And he had a very good OST, in the k-drama "D-Day".
I just watched it lately and I re-discovered the song. I liked it in the past, and I still like it.