Thursday, January 31, 2019

Meaningful words

Dongha is in Japan, doing a one day double "showcase" concert in Tokyo.
Coincidentally, today I just finished watching a k-drama "Chicago Typewriter", which depicts Koreans struggle against Japanese occupation in 1930-ties. Feels a little weird, but it's just me.

While being in Japan, or maybe just a day before his trip, Dongha posted his message to the fans in Korea, on Facebook of his agency, MUSIC ONE. In his message he reassures his fans about his undying love, and gratitude. It was translated into English by someone, and some of his words captivated my attention. I edited the text  a little, by removing less relevant sentences, and by smoothing some awkward English. I want to keep it here, with meaningful words highlighted in red.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Goodness, isn't he lovely?

December 05, 2018  Fans waited for Jung Dong Ha outside a radio station where he recorded an interview and a song (@kbs radio)